Latonya's Journey Home
Your support makes journeys like these possible!

Your support makes journeys like these possible!
At Noah at Central, we believe that hope can be the bridge between hardship and a brighter future. It’s the sense of possibility that keeps members of our community experiencing homelessness moving forward, even through difficult times. This year, we’d like to share with you Latonya’s journey and her story of resilience and determination in the face of unexpected hardship.
“Noah is the only place I found while I was unhoused that made me feel hopeful. Everyone deserves that,” Latonya shared with us, reflecting on her journey towards housing.
At Noah at Central, hope often begins with a simple but powerful act: calling someone by their name. In a world that too often overlooks people experiencing homelessness, addressing guests in our Community Center by their name promotes a sense of identity and dignity. It’s a powerful reminder that every person has a story, a history, and hopes for their future. For months, Noah at Central became a refuge for Latonya. She visited to pick up her mail, enjoy meals with staff and other clients, and found comfort in being remembered. "That’s really special, you know?" she told us, with a smile "remembering my name made me feel like I was respected… like someone cared about me."
Latonya’s journey from growing up on Detroit’s East Side to engaging in services at Noah had tumultuous turns. Latonya is proud to be the first in her family to attend college, where she channeled her compassion and desire to help others into obtaining a CNA license. Poised to start her career, she was filled with hard-won confidence about her future. However, everything changed when a relationship she once trusted suddenly turned violent. Fearing for her safety, she left their home with nothing and began living out of a car.
While reaching out to find connections during a time of profound isolation, Latonya connected with Noah through another client, who gave her a Street Outreach card. Our team shares extra contact cards with current clients, empowering them to spread the word to others who might benefit from our services. Latonya came to Noah at Central the next day and connected with our team. From that first visit, Noah became her anchor. Amongst other services, Noah staff connected her to space in an emergency shelter, but it didn’t offer the security and possibility of having a place to call “home”. Determined, Latonya set her sights on securing her own housing.
For every arduous step, Noah at Central journeyed alongside her. Our team assisted her in replacing lost ID and securing stable income. To meet the goals she began to set for herself, we connected her to a local organization for domestic violence counseling and employment services. At each stage of her housing application process, our team advocated alongside her, ensuring her voice was heard and her unique needs were prioritized. When a proposed housing option felt unsafe, Noah’s team ensured she didn’t settle, and that the search continued to find a home where she could feel truly at peace.
When move-in day finally arrived, it symbolized much more than an apartment. For Latonya, it was the fulfillment of a journey from “survival to stability,” a journey that we saw be defined by her strength, courage, and resilience. Our team members were alongside her when she first unlocked the door to her apartment and all the possibilities that awaited her.
Today, Latonya is thriving. She has secured employment nearby, and she very proudly pays her own rent. She’s rebuilding her career, reconnecting with family, and remains a regular presence in our community center, inspiring others facing similar hardships. Now, she’s the one encouraging others to come to Noah, saying, “Everyone deserves hope.”
Your support makes journeys like Latonya’s possible. Together, we're creating a community where everyone feels connected and valued.