Helen Monroe

Helen Monroe's Fundraiser

Help NOAH extend dignity-enhancing services to Detroiters who struggle! image

Help NOAH extend dignity-enhancing services to Detroiters who struggle!

No donation is too small! Join me and help make a difference by giving today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,320 towards $1,000

Making a difference in peoples lives and helping them to experience dignity as they work through their individual struggles is important to me. NOAH is a pathway towards the end of homelessness for many of our clients. Please help me continue this important cause with your generous contribution.

With your gift, the staff and volunteers at NOAH can build relationships with our Detroit neighbors who are struggling with housing instability. Engagement tools like bag lunches and hygiene supplies give us a chance to provide casework services, identification documents, and many other things that pave clients' individual paths to housing. The relationships built at NOAH empower clients to take steps toward stability.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for The NOAH Project Detroit