Help us build restorative relationships with Detroiters experiencing homelessness image

Help us build restorative relationships with Detroiters experiencing homelessness

Your donation helps unlock $30,000 in matching funds!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$39,250 towards $30,000

130 -30 U


Towards Our Goal






Recurring Donors

Give us the tools to provide radical hospitality and acceptance!

With your help, the staff and volunteers at NOAH can build relationships with our Detroit neighbors who are struggling with housing instability. Engagement tools like bag lunches and hygiene supplies give us a chance to provide casework services, identification documents, and many other things that pave clients' individual paths to housing. The relationships built at NOAH empower clients to take steps toward stability.

Help Us Find
Recurring Donors
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Your Friend Here!

Giving $50 Per Month

You can help us get more recurring donations by starting a fundraiser!

12 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!

Paul Agosta 82 18 A

Paul Agosta

Carl Herrell 71 29 A

Carl Herrell

Kay Metz 0 100 A

Kay Metz

Arthur Park 27 73 A

Arthur Park

Colleen Robar 68 32 A

Colleen Robar

Tom Robinson 100 0 A

Tom Robinson

Susan Shirkey 35 65 A

Susan Shirkey

The NOAH Staff 179 -79 A

The NOAH Staff

Donald  Williams 15 85 A

Donald Williams

Jill Zundel 0 100 A

Jill Zundel

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